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    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los


    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 1st October 2011, 10:41 pm

    Peb ua neej rau yajceeb ces peb tsuas paub peb sab xwb, tabsis kuj muaj neeg ib txhia tau tuag lawm es rov sawv los piav qhia peb hais tias lawv mus pom sab yeebceeb zoo li cas.

    Tos peb ho xav paub thiab xav hnov txog sab yeebceeb, los vim yog peb tibneeg txhua tus yuav txawj tuag thiab yuav mus nyob qhov ntawd mus ib sim ntuj. Yog thaum peb paub lawm, peb yuav txawj txuag peb txojsia, yuav txawj sib hlub, yuav txawj ua peb lub neej kom tus ntsujplig tau zoo lawm tomntej, lossis peb yuav txawj khuvxim peb ncua sijhawm ua tseem muaj nyob rau saum yajceeb no.


    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 1st October 2011, 11:53 pm

    Xibfwb Vam Txoov Lis qhuab qhia "Puas yuav Cia Siab Tau."


    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 1st October 2011, 11:54 pm

    Nyiaj Xwm Thoj ua npau suav


    Messages : 3529
    Date d'inscription : 2010-02-28

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  koojziagkabzaug 2nd October 2011, 10:03 am

    PIJPAUJ wrote:Xibfwb Vam Txoov Lis qhuab qhia "Puas yuav Cia Siab Tau."

    Hiv!Hiv!Hiv! Ob zaj no ces nyias hus nyias kwj tse xwb...Tsis muaj ib qho tseeb li.
    Tej yam zoo li no mas yog tsim los kom neeg sib ntxub, sib cais ua pab ua pawg xwb, tssi yog tsim txoj kev thaj yeeb.

    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 5th October 2011, 6:42 pm

    Tsav Vaj Vaj mus yeebceeb los: Yav 1

    Last edited by PIJPAUJ on 7th October 2011, 10:32 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Replaced 4hared with youtube)

    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 5th October 2011, 7:32 pm

    Tsav Vaj Vaj: Yav 2

    Tos Tsav Vaj ho tau mus yeebceeb los vim lawv tua tsiaj ntau ntau rau nws txiv. kev tua tsiaj tua txhuv ntau ntau yeej tsis zoo. Tej tsiaj yeej yuav cem cem li Xibfwb Vam Txoov hais saud. Dhau li ntawd lawd, kuj muaj sau tseg hauv Rog Paj Cai li no:


    Mas cov tib neeg nyob rau lub Moos Vaij teb chaws ntawd, muaj ib tug hu ua Txhiaj Kuam; yog cov Hmoob Yaj. Muaj ib tug hu ua Phes Cas; yog cov Hmoob Vaj. Ib tug hu ua Xaiv Tub, ib tug hu ua Vaj Txoov Kav; yog cov Hmoob Vaj. It tug yog cov Hmoob Lauj. Lawv pab ntawd thiaj li vwm txawj sau ntaub sau ntawv. Lawv sau tau ntaub tau ntawv tiag. Lawv plaub tug ntawd sau ntawv tuaj mus cev rau Paj Cai. Paj Cai muab nyeem tas, nws sau ib tsab ntawv xa rov rau lawv plaub tug ntawd. Plaub tug ntawd thiaj li qhia Paj Cai tej lus rau teb rau chaw tias: "tas ntiaj teb tib neeg tsuav hu ua tus Hmoob no mas kom paub caiv paub cim". "kom sawv daws ua zoo hlub tej me tub me nyuam, yug tau los lawm; ua zoo rhaub dej kub ntxuav tej me tes me taw". "Kho ris tsho rau hnav, hmo ntuj tsis txhob pub yoov tom, tus neeg ntawd thiaj tsis muaj txiab muaj nteeg". "Nqaij, mas joj kiag tus tsiaj zoo zoo uas luag txhob txwm muab coj los tua kiag rau sawv daws noj xwb". "Tus xya me nyuam tuag tsis txhob noj". "Tus hlauv nyhuv tuag tsis txhob noj". "Kom tsis txhob mus khawb nas kos, tsis txhob mus tua tua tej nas tej noog, ib leeg kuj muaj ib txog sia, leej twg los kuj tsis xav tuag". "Tej xyoob tej ntoo los yuav tus twg txiav tus ntawd xwb, tus tsis yuav tsis txhob muab txiav txiav pov tseg". "Txij no lawm yav tod, tej neeg tuag tsis txhob muab tsiaj tua rau ntau ntau". "Yog niam yog txiv hlub tiag tiag tsuas tua ib tug rau xwb". "Yog yuav tua ob tug peb tug, mas tua noj xwb tsis txhob muab laws tawv, cia li hlais kiag daim tawv xyaw cov nqaij coj los ua noj". Muab tej tsiaj coj los laws tawv li ub li no mas maub luag cev nqaij coj los rhuav noj; ces luag tus ntsuj plig nce mus rau saum ntuj ub, luag kuj txawj mus hais rau saum ub thiab; mas tas lub ntuj lub teb kuj muaj ib tug los tu plaub tu ntug, mas nyuaj luag tas zog.

    Last edited by PIJPAUJ on 7th October 2011, 10:34 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Insert section 2)

    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 6th October 2011, 7:14 pm

    Tsav Vaj: Yav 3

    Last edited by PIJPAUJ on 7th October 2011, 10:35 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : separated section 3)

    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 6th October 2011, 7:17 pm

    Tsav Vaj: Yav 4

    Last edited by PIJPAUJ on 7th October 2011, 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 6th October 2011, 7:19 pm

    Tsav Vaj: Yav 5 & 6


    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty General Vang Pao in hell

    Post  PIJPAUJ 3rd March 2012, 1:44 am


    Messages : 3529
    Date d'inscription : 2010-02-28

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  koojziagkabzaug 4th March 2012, 2:41 pm

    Nyob zoo Pijpauj,

    Wow...! Nws mas cas yuav txawj mus nrhiav tau tej daim video zoo ua luaj tuaj qhia rau peb. Txaus ntshai heev, qhov hais txog ntuj txias teb tsaus, ntuj tawg teb nkig. Ua neeg ces tsuas paub lub neej nyob saum yaj xwb, nruab yeeb ces xyov yus yuav ntsib dab tsi rau dab tsi, yus tsis paub tau. Li ntawd thiaj yuav tsum xyaum coj ncaj li yus yuav ncaj tau, tsam lwm hnub ho raug txim nyhav ces ntshe khuv xim los yuav lig dhau pab tsis tau lawm.

    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 6th March 2012, 12:20 am

    Nyob zoo KoojZiagKabZaug,

    Txawm peb ua neej ua dab los yeej yuavtsum muaj kev tswjhwm es thiaj thajyeeb. Tib qho uas neej txawv dab ces yog neeg txawj zam txim, txawj xyaum, txawj ntse, lossis txawj tuag. Dab ces nyob li cas ces tsua li ntawd kom txog qhov kawg xwb. Dab lub neej ces zoo li robot lawm xwb. Tus phem ces nyob kom tas txhua lub txim. Tus zoo ces txais txhua yam koob hmoov.

    Hmoob mas tseem paub thiab pom dabteb tsis meej li lwm haivneeg vim Hmoob tsis muaj ntawv teev tseg, tsua yog hnov dabneeg thiab cassettes xwb. Suav li ces muaj li no:

    Messages : 3529
    Date d'inscription : 2010-02-28

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  koojziagkabzaug 6th March 2012, 9:03 am

    Nyob zoo Pijpauj,

    Ua neeg, thaum tseem nyob ntiaj teb no, ib txhia siv hwj chim, nyias taus nyias loj muaj peev xwm ces tsuj luag tus muag luav, ua rau luag quaj qaws los nws yeej tsis pom luag txoj kev txom nyem uas raug nws tsim txom li. Nws tsuas pob thab nws tau ntau, nws zoo siab, zoo siab vim nws caij tsuj quab yuam tau luag. Tab sis thaum dhau lub yaj ceeb nov lawm ces sawv daws zoo tib yam lawm, tsis muaj tus ntse tshaj, tus muaj zog tshaj, thaum ntawd mam xav txog ces lig lawm, yuav khuv xim tag siab tag ntsws los tsis ntxiv dab tsi. Niaj hnub no hais kom neeg sib nyiam sib hlub mas ib txhia tsis kam li, tseem cav muaj cai kawg li thiab...Xav los mas tu siab kawg, vim ib sim neej twb tsis ntev kiag li, ua cas tsis muab lub caij los sib nyiam sib hlub, es tseem muab lub caij uas tau los ua neej ib nyuag ntu coj los sib tshom, sib hiam, sib ntxub xwb. Sad

    Pijpauj, ua tsaug nws muab txog Suav kev cai ntuj txias teb tsaus rau peb saib.
    Nws puas kam muab txhais ua lus Hmoob rau peb tau nyeem thiab...Vim yog lus aas kiv xwb ces tsis yog uv tsav.

    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 6th March 2012, 9:31 pm

    Nyob zoo KoojZiagKabZaug,

    Lam muab txhais li no es lwm hnub mam mus nrhiav duab los phim.

    The Eighteen layers of Chinese Hell
    (Suav li Kaum yim txheej Ntujtawg)

    Diyu, the Traditional Chinese Hell, based on Buddhism concept of Naraka, is an underground maze with various
    levels and chambers, to which souls are taken after death to atone for the sins they committed when they were alive.

    (Tij yuj~ij, Ntujtawg ntawm haivneeg Suav li kevcai dabqhuas, uas raws li Haujsam txoj kevcai Nas-lla-kas, yog tej niag plas uas ua kem thiab ua chav pes daws hauv dabnriag, es nyob tos ntsoov yuav coj tej ntsuj tej plig tomqab tuag lawm mus nyoj mus lim lawv tej kev txog kev txhaum uas lawv tau ua thaum ua neej nyob.)

    Some Chinese legends speak of eighteen levels of Hell.
    (Suav li qee txoj khwvhuam kuj hais txog kaum yim txheej Ntujtawg.)

    The East Hell(Cov Ntujtawg ces Hnub-tuaj)

    Chamber of Tongue Ripping (Chav Rho Nphlaig)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 001-Chamber-of-Tongue-Ripping
    In the first layer, those who stir up troubles by gossiping will find their tongues being ripped out.

    (Nyob rau txheej ib, tej neeg uas tau tsim teebmeem los ntawm kev taugxaiv yuav raug muab lawv tej nplaig rho tawm.)

    Chamber of Scissors (Chav Txiab)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 002-Chamber-of-scissors
    Second layer. Those who break the marriage of others will have their fingers cut off.
    (Txheej ob, tej neeg uas tau rhuav lwm tus li kev txij kev nkawm yuav raug muab lawv cov ntivtes txiav tawm.)

    Chamber of Iron Cycads (Chav Pos Hmuv Hlau)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 003-Chamber-of-iron-trees
    Those who cause discords among family members of others will be hung on Iron trees.
    (Tej neeg uas tau ua rau lwm tsev neeg tsis sib hauv (tawg) yuav raug muab khuam saum tej ntoo pos hmuv hlau.)

    Chamber of Mirror(Chav Iav Tsov)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 004-Chamber-of-mirrors
    To those who managed to escape the punishment for their crimes during earthly life will be shown their true shape.
    (Tej neeg uas tau nraim dhau lawv tej txim txhaum hauv ntiajteb yuav raug saib lawv tus yamntxwv uas tseeb.)

    Chamber of Steamer(Chav raug Cub)
    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmZxBXSxZABzirDHtnAelNjq1T3F8vLQ3uTSSuj
    Hypocrites and troublemakers will find their punishment in a steamer.
    (Tej neeg uas tau tsis coj li hais thiab pheej tsim teebmeem tsis tseg yuav raug cub.)

    Forest of Copper Column(Hav Ncej Toojliab)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 006-Chamber-of-Arsonists
    Arsonists for retaliation will be bound to columns of glowing copper.
    (Tej neeg uas tau hlawv luag pauj kev chim yuav raug pav rau tej ncej toojliab uas kub kub liab ploog.)

    Mountain of Knifes(Chav Roob Riam)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 007-Mountain-of-Knifes
    Those who kill sentient beings with knife without a reason or for pleasure will find themselves climbing a hill of knifes. Sinners are made to shed blood by climbing a mountain with sharp blades sticking out.
    (Tej neeg uas tau xuas riam txov yam muaj sia yam tsis muaj qabhau lossis lam txov ua-si yuav raug nce tej lub roob ua yog riam nkaus xwb.)

    Hill of Ice (Plas toj tuag no)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 008-hills-of-ice
    Schemers, deceivers of elders (including parents) and adulterers will be left naked in freezing cold.
    (Tej neeg uas tau ntxias-dag, lauj-thau tej laus(lojxov niam yug txiv xya) thiab tej neeg sib dajdee, ua plees ua yi (deev luag poj luag sev) txhaum kevcai yuav raug liabqab ploog tiv no.)

    Cauldron of Boiling Oil (Chav Laujkaub Roj Npau)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Untitled-3
    Rapists, thieves, abusers, false accusers will be boiled in fried oil.
    (Tej neeg uas tau mos luag deev, tubsab, tsimtxom lwm tus, ntxeev ntxo luag yuav raug hau hauv tej laujkaub roj npau npau.)

    WEST HELL(Ntujtawg ces Hnub-poob)

    Chamber of Ox(Chav Heev Nyuj)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 009-chamber-of-ox
    Those who abuse animals will find themselves being bullied by animals.
    (Tej neeg uas tau tsimtxom tsiaj yuav raug tso rau tsiaj muab tsimtxom.)

    Chamber of Rock(Chav Pobzeb)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 010-chamber-of-rock
    Those who abandon or kill babies will hold a heavy rock (and eventually crashed) and will be surrounded by putrid water.
    (Tej neeg uas tau tso me-tub menyuam povtseg lossis tua menyuam mos-ab yuav raug txheem pobzeb (thiab thaum kawg raug pobzeb tais) thiab yuav raug kua-lwj vij tas nrho.)

    Chamber of Pounding(Chav raug Tuav hauv qhovcos)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 011-chamber-of-pounding
    Those who voluntarily waste food will be forced to be feeded by demons with hell-fire.
    (Tej neeg uas tau lomtxwm muab zaubmov nkim povtseg yuav raug dab muab yuam noj cov hluavtaws hauv ntujtawg.)

    Pool of Blood (Chav tsau Pas Ntshav)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 013-pool-of-blood
    Those who do not respect others will find themselves soaked in blood.
    (Tej neeg uas tau tsis hwm lwm tus yuav raug tsau tsawv hauv tej niag pas ntshav.)

    Town of Suicid(Lub Zos uas Tua Tuskheej)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 014-town-of-quitters
    People who commit suicide will find themselves wandering in the city . The wind of sorrow and the rain of pain lash day and night this desolate place. They are those who have voluntarily altered the karmic course of the Incarnation.
    (Tej neeg uas tau muab lawv tus kheej tua povtseg yuav raug ncig mus mus los los tsis so hauv lub nroog. Cov cua tu-siab tu-sau thiab cov nag mob nag ntsaj yuav nplawm thiab los tsis tu ncua nyob rau thaj chaw nphob xuav ntawd. Lawv cov neeg ntawd yog lawv txhobtxwm hloov txoj hmoo ntawm kev yug thiab kev tuag.)

    Chamber of Dismemberment(Chav Raug Txhoov)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 015-Chamber-of-Dismemberment
    Tomb raiders will find their body being torn into pieces.
    (Tej neeg uas tau khawb luag tej ntxa yuav raug muab txhoov ua tej dwb daim.)

    Mountain of Flames (Roob Nplaim-taws)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 016-Mountain-of-Flames
    Thieves, robbers and corrupt will be thrown into the flames in a hellish volcano.
    (Tej neeg uas tau tubsab, muab luag teej nyiag luag tug thiab pheej txhem qee luag li yuav raug pov rau hauv tej qhov roob hluavtaws ntujtawg.)

    Yard of Stone Mill (Qab tsib taug Zebzom)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los HELL-title
    Those who subdue the weak, abuse their power and oppress the people will be crushed and pulverized in a stone mill.
    (Tej neeg uas tau caij tsuj cov zog tab, tsav fwjchim dhau cai thiab quabyuam tej pejxeem yuav raug tsoo thiab raug zom mos mos hauv ib lub zebzom.)

    Chamber of Saw (Chav raug rab Kaw)

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los 018-chamber-of-saw
    Those who exploit the loopholes in the law and engage in unfair practices in business will be sawn into half by demons.
    (Tej neeg uas tau lomtxwm khaws-xyeem chaws tej qhov-khoob ntawm txoj kevcai uas hais tsis ntxaws thiab tej neeg uas pheej txhobtxwm ua tej lagluam tsis ncajncees yuav raug tej dab muab kaw los kaw kom tu ua ob ya.)

    Yog muaj sijhawm muab saib kom ntxaw zog rau nramqab no:

    Last edited by PIJPAUJ on 9th March 2012, 11:10 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Messages : 3529
    Date d'inscription : 2010-02-28

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  koojziagkabzaug 7th March 2012, 12:51 pm

    Nyob zoo Pijpauj,

    Ua tsaug ntau, nws txhais tau zoo kawg lawm.
    Yog nws ho pom yam tshiab no los ho nqa tuaj rau peb saib ntxiv thiab.

    Ua tsaug.

    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 9th March 2012, 10:53 pm

    Nyob rau yajceeb muaj ntau haivneeg kawg li yog li ntawd nyias thiaj muaj nyias chaw rau txim rau yeebceeb. Yus yog haivneeg twg ces lawv coj yus mus hais-plaub rau haivneeg ntawd lub chaw txiavtxim. Thaum hais-plaub tag ces luag mam muab sawvdaws rau-txim ua-ibke. Vim li ntawd, thaum neeg ua npau-suav lossis tuag-tsim, nyias thiaj pheej mus pom nyias homneeg xwb xwb.


    Messages : 3529
    Date d'inscription : 2010-02-28

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  koojziagkabzaug 11th March 2012, 2:51 pm

    Nyob zoo Pijpauj,

    Ua tsaug ntau rau nws zaj dab neeg ntuj txias teb tsaus nov, hais tau zoo kawg li. Xav kom leej neeg txhua tus txawj hloov siab hloob ntsws, kom ntiaj teb txhob muaj kev tu siab, kev chim siab, kev lwj siab, kev tsim txom. Thaum ho dua tag sim neej los txhob mus ntsib kev txom nyem them txim. Yog xav los mas txaus ntshai dhua lawm, nyob ntiaj teb no yus tseem muaj qhov yuav xaiv, tuag nruab yeeb mas xaiv tsis tau, hloov tsis tau li lawm. Txaus ntshai tshaj li, tab sis neeg siab hlob, ntshaw hwj chim ces tsis kam mloog li.

    Ntshe yog li lawv hais es Hmoob ua npau suav mus nruab yeeb thiab cov uas saub thiaj li hais tias tuag mus mas pom Hmoob taug kev ua tsheej pab xwb tsis pom luag pej kum xyaw Hmoob li no, ntshe yog nyias ib haiv neeg nyias mus rau nyias ib qho chaw lawm. Kuv twb xav tsis txog li no.


    Messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 2010-12-25

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  PIJPAUJ 11th March 2012, 11:14 pm

    Nyob zoo KoojZiagKabZaug,

    Tsis hais haivneeg twg li, zoo li thaum sawvdaws tuag ces yeej muaj ntsi taug tib txog kev. Thaum nyuam qhuav tuag kiag, ces tus tuag yeej rov saib pom nws lub neej yav tag los ib qho dhau rau ib qho kom txog ntua lub sijhawm uas nws siav tu kiag. Tomqab tus tuag saib nws lub neej tag, ces luag mam coj nws tus ntsujplig mus rau yeebteb lawm. Dhau li ntawd lawm mam li mus pom ntujtawg lossis ceebtsheej ntuj.

    Lawv cov uas tau tuag-tsim yeej piav hais tias MUAJ NEEG (LUAG) nrog lawv nraim thiab coj lawv kev ib qho rau qho. Tus tuag xav li cas hauv siab ces TUS NTAWD yeej teb tas nrho rau tus tuag.

    Cov clips hauvqab no yuav qhia tau peb tias tej ntawd yeej yog li hais:


    Messages : 3529
    Date d'inscription : 2010-02-28

    Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los Empty Re: Cov lus piav ntawm cov neeg mus yeebceeb los

    Post  koojziagkabzaug 13th March 2012, 1:29 pm

    Nyob zoo Pijpauj,

    Tib neeg thaum nyob yaj ceeb ces nyias muaj nyias kev cai, nyias hom lus; tab sis thaum mus yeeb ceeb lawm ces yeej taug tib txoj ke xwb. Tsis hais Hmoob los lwm haiv neeg, cov uas mob nyhav es tsis nco qab rov zoo los, lawv yeej tias lawv mus txog ib lub qhov khoob lug tshab sab tod, muaj qhov pom kev nyob sab tod, ces zoo li pheej yuav mus rau tom qhov pom kev tod, tab sis cov nyob ntiaj teb hu hu ces thiaj li rov qab los lawm. Thaum ntawd mas tsis nco txog ntiaj teb li lawm, zoo li mus kaj siab lug lawm xwb no.

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